Maximising the range of a resistive sensor.
Assume sensor with maximum resistance R1 and minimum resistance R0. We seek to put it in series with a single resistor,
, whose value we seek so that the voltage range will be a maximum.
Case 1: sensor on top
In this case we have
so that the difference is
I seek to maximise this difference but I don't care about the absolute scale so I will maximise
Setting this to zero, I find
Thus, the best value is the
geometric mean of the high and low values,
Case 2: Sensor on the bottom
This is only slightly different. We have
so that the difference is
so that the answer is the same in both cases. Use the geometric mean of the two resistors.
You get the best range out of a resistive sensor when it is connected as one leg of a voltage divider if the value of the other leg, the fixed resistor, is chosen as the
geometric mean of the maximum and minimum resistances of the sensor over the desired range,
In practice, simply choose the nearest avaiable resistor to the geometric mean. It is not worth trying to get any closer.