Physics is the study of how the universe works - a quest for the framework that underlies all the glorious complexity we see around us. The Hamilton undergraduate physics program introduces students to both the theoretical background needed to understand this framework and the experimental methods used to test it. One ideal route to a physics education is to work closely with experienced physicists. There are six full-time faculty and two professors of instruction in our department and the faculty/student ratio and excellent facilities at Hamilton allow our students to do just that. The close student-faculty collaboration that is at the heart of Hamilton's physics program means that every major completes at least one substantial research project before graduation. Student projects often lead to papers that are presented at professional conferences and published in scholarly journals. All senior physics students work collaboratively with faculty members on research projects as part of the Senior Program. |
Departmental AwardsThe Southworth PrizeThe Southworth Prize in Physics is awarded to a senior who excels in physics. It is awarded during the Class and Charter Day ceremony in May. Recent winners are:Clare Nelle '24 Trevor Scheuing '23 Samantha Wilkerson '22 Catherine Ryczek '21 Chengqi (Sophia) Guo '20 Omar Beesley '20 Thomas Marsh '20 Hannah Burrall '19 Robert (RJ) Taylor '19 Elise LePage '18 Ashton Lowenstein '17 Benjamin Schafer '17 Brady Bruno '17 Leo Mackta PrizeThe Leo Mackta Prize in Physics, established in honor of Dr. Leo Mackta by his daughter, Betsy Mackta Scott, Kirkland College Class of 1972, and her husband, Thomas J. Scott, Jr., is awarded to a student who excels in applied physics. It is awarded during the Convocation ceremony in August. Recent winner of the Mackta Prize in Physics are:2024:
Mohammad (Isa) Khan '26
Rebecca Dalphin '25
Clare Nelle '24
Matt Dioguardi '22
Eileen (Leenie) Wilcox '21
Catherine Ryczek '21
RJ Taylor, Hannah Burrall
Fuming Qiu, Hannah Burrall
The G. Harvey Cameron Memorial PrizeThe G. Harvey Cameron Memorial Prize is awarded to that first-year student or sophomore who shows the most promise in experimental physics. It is awarded during the Class and Charter Day ceremony in May. Recent winners are:Mohammad (Isa) Khan '26 Rebecca Dalphin '25 Clare Nelle '24 Merrill Storch '23 Asa Szegvari '23 Samantha Wilkerson '22 Kathryn Peinkofer '22 Catherine Ryczek '21 Chengqi (Sophia) Guo '20 Nicole DeBuono '20 Thomas Marsh '20 Abigail Kaplan '19 Robert (RJ) Taylor '19 |