Physics 205 Physics II: Spring 2015



Physics 205 is the second semester of a one year calculus-based course that provides a general introduction to electricity and magnetism, optics, and quantum mechanics.

Course Information and Supplies:

Lecturer: Don Bunk
Office: G071
Phone: 4605

Course Text: Fundamentals of Physics 10th Edition by Halliday, Resnick, and Walker

You will need a scientific calculator and please bring it to every class and lab. If you have a graphing calculator that will be ideal. If not, then an inexpensive scientific model that can handle trig functions, logs, and exponentials will be sufficient.

(TENTANTIVE) Office hours:

I encourage you to attend office hours early and often. By attending office hours you will get more than just hints how to do HW problems- I can get an idea how you are going about solving problems and give you more general guidance in the course.

You are responsible for familiarizing yourself with the following policies. They outline your responsibilities in the course.


Homework assignments will be posted on Blackboard typically one week before the assignment is due. The lowest homework grade will be dropped.

Pre-Labs and Labs:

Laboratory handouts will also be posted on Blackboard the Friday prior to the lab. Please see your lab instructor for their respective policies.


Mid-term exams:

  1. Wednesday February 18th, 7-9 pm
  2. Wednesday April 8th, 7-9 pm

  Final Exam: Saturday May 16th, 2-5 pm

Cheat sheets are not allowed on my exams. I will provide you with a list of important formulas with your exam. You are allowed a scientific calculator on the exams -one that can handle basic addition, multiplication, logarithms, exponentials, and trig functions. Any use of features beyond those listed on a more advanced calculator or smartphone during an exam is strictly forbidden and a violation of the Hamilton college Honor Code.


 Running Total  ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲ ̲  Homeworks 2 0 % 2 0 % ̲ ̲ ̲  Labs 2 0 % 4 0 % ̲ ̲ ̲  Midterms 2 @ 2 0 % 8 0 % ̲ ̲ ̲  Final Exam 2 0 % 1 0 0 %

If your HW average is lower than your exam average, I will replace your HW average with your exam average. This does not hold for any other replacement on the above list. Borderline grades will be decided on the following factors: contributions to the class including participation, and improvement throughout the semester.

*NOTE: The lab questions on exams will comprise 20% of the Lab portion of the grade.



Although attendance in lecture is not required, it is highly encouraged, and being late to class is considered rude and unacceptable. Homework is due at the beginning of the class on the due date whether you attend class or not that day.

Attendance at laboratories is mandatory. If you have to miss a lab notify your instructor ASAP. If you are going to miss a lab, you may be obligated to make it up in advance. If you miss a lab without prior notice and cannot provide a written medical excuse you will receive a zero for that lab.

Collaboration of All Kinds:

Collaboration is a healthy and vital part of working through physics problems. This ranges from working with classmates, working with me in my office hours, the resources provided through the QSR Center, and any additional textbooks or internet resources you my find. All work handed in should be your own.

Make sure you understand the Honor Code.

Late and missed work:

Assignments will normally be due at the beginning of class on Wednesday and I will accept assignments up to the start of the next class (Friday) at 20% penalty per day for a total of 40% off on Friday. After that time the solutions will have been posted and any assignments arriving after that time will be recorded as zero. If you can see that you are not going to make one of these deadlines then it is up to you to talk to me and work out some other arrangement before the deadline.


Hamilton College will make reasonable accommodations for students with properly documented disabilities. If you are eligible to receive an accommodation(s) and would like to make a formal request for this course, please discuss it with me during the first two weeks of class. You will need to provide Allen Harrison, Associate Dean of Students (Elihu Root House; (315) 859-4021) with appropriate documentation of your disability

Some physics advice:



Physics 205